4-Ingredient Sugar Cookie Truffles (2024)

4-Ingredient Sugar Cookie Truffles (1)

Jamielyn Nye

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No-bake sugar cookie truffles made with only 4 ingredients! An easy and delicious treat for the holidays that is super easy to make.

4-Ingredient Sugar Cookie Truffles (2)

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Table of Contents

  • Easy Sugar Cookie Balls
  • 4 Simple Ingredients
  • How to Make Sugar Cookie Truffles
  • Tips for Success
  • Freezing
  • More Truffles You’ll Love
  • Sugar Cookie Truffles Printable Recipe

Easy Sugar Cookie Balls

I don’t know about you, but this time of year I love making soft sugar cookies, chocolate truffles, microwave fudge and just about any other treat! Now combine my love of sugar cookies and truffles to make these yummy treats. Talk about the ultimate holiday dessert!

These sugar cookie truffles are made with crushed sugar cookies, cream cheese and vanilla. They are then dipped in white chocolate and have sprinkles added to make them festive. You could also use a milk chocolate coating with them, but I think the white and red coating is more fun for the holidays.

These sugar cookie truffles, cake balls and my Christmas Oreo balls recipe are all huge crowd pleasers and disappear fast!

4 Simple Ingredients

  1. Sugar cookies: Make sure to use hard (not soft) sugar cookies. I used store bought for this post (the Pepperidge Farm ones) because they had the right texture, but I’ve also used homemade shortbread cookies that were a few days old.
  2. Cream cheese: Make sure it’s softened. I let mine sit out on the counter for about 30 minutes to an hour before getting started.
  3. Vanilla: The boost of vanilla flavor pairs perfectly with the sweetness from the sugar cookies and tang from the cream cheese.
  4. Chocolate: It’s important to use high quality chocolate. I love using melting wafers for dipping. I don’t love melting down white chocolate chips for these…it never seems to have that super smooth consistency that I’m looking for. I also used these red candy melts from Wilton to get the bright red color.
4-Ingredient Sugar Cookie Truffles (3)

How to Make Sugar Cookie Truffles

  • BLEND. Start by blending the cookies in a blender or food processor. You want them to turn into super fine crumbs. Add the cream cheese and vanilla and pulse until the mixture is combined.
  • ROLL. Scoop out the mixture with a small cookie scoop or spoon and roll into balls. Place on a parchment lined baking sheet and freeze until firm (usually takes about 20 minutes).
  • DIP. Melt the chocolate until smooth, then place the truffle on a fork and dip into the bowl of melted chocolate. Tap the fork on the side of the bowl to remove any excess chocolate. Then place on the baking sheet and immediately add sprinkles while the chocolate is still wet. Work fast…they harden quickly!
4-Ingredient Sugar Cookie Truffles (4)

Tips for Success

  • A smooth finish.The trick to get the chocolate to look smooth is to 1. dip fast and 2. use a fork and tap the truffle on the edge of the bowl to remove any excess. Once I place them on the wax paper, I also like to use a tooth pick to draw a circle around the truffle so it doesn’t keep the splatters.
  • Work fast. The chocolate hardens quickly, so make sure to add any extra toppings immediately after dipping. We love adding sprinkles, but you could also add colored sanding sugar, crushed peppermint or a drizzle of chocolate.
  • Refrigerate until serving. These truffles are best if refrigerated until serving. You don’t want the cream cheese to spoil and they also hold their shape better this way.
  • Variations. As a variation, you could replace the sugar cookies with any other type of hard cookie (vanilla wafer cookies, golden Oreos, gingersnaps).
  • Extra festive. To make them even more festive, you can mix a few sprinkles into the cookie mixture.


To freeze, simply place in a freezer bag or container and store in the freezer for up to 2 months. I like to flash freeze mine first for about 30 minutes on a baking sheet before adding to the bag or container.

This way they won’t stick together. You can enjoy them frozen or let thaw in the fridge.

4-Ingredient Sugar Cookie Truffles (5)

Love sugar cookie recipes? Don’t miss my Christmas sugar cookies, sugar cookie icing, sugar cookie bars and cinnamon roll cookies.

More Truffles You’ll Love

  • Oreo Balls (Only 3 Ingredients)
  • Peanut Butter Balls (5 Ingredients)
  • Snowman Oreo Balls
  • Chocolate Truffles (3 ingredients!)

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4-Ingredient Sugar Cookie Truffles (10)

Sugar Cookie Truffles

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Author: Jamielyn Nye

No-bake sugar cookie truffles made with only 4 ingredients! An easy and delicious treat for the holidays that is super easy to make.

Prep Time: 10 minutes mins

Freeze: 20 minutes mins

Total Time: 30 minutes mins



  • 12-15 sugar cookies (I use the 5 ounce bag of Pepperidge Farms)
  • 2-3 ounces cream cheese (softened)
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 ½ cups chocolate melting wafers

Optional: sprinkles for decorating


    • Place the cookies in a blender or food processor and blend until they have turned into fine crumbs.

    • Add in the cream cheese and vanilla and pulse until it has combined. It the mixture is to firm, you can add in an extra ounce.

    • Line a baking sheet with parchment or freezer paper. Using a small cookie scoop or Tablespoon, scoop out the dough and roll into balls. Then place onto the baking sheet. Freeze for about 20 minutes, or until firm.

    • Melt the chocolate ina microwave bowl for 1 minute. Stir until smooth and melt for an additional 15-30 seconds if needed.

    • Dip the truffle balls into the chocolate using a fork. Tap the fork on the side of the bowl and then place back onto the lined baking sheet. Use a toothpick to help slide the ball off onto the pan.

    • Add sprinkles immediately after dipping each ball. Place in the refrigerator until ready to serve.


    Sugar cookies: I used Pepperidge Farm sugar cookies. If using homemade shortbread cookies or sugar cookies, make sure they are hard not soft. Best if a few days old.

    Storage: Store the leftovers in a covered container and store in the refrigerator for up to 1 week or freeze up to 3 months.


    Calories: 82kcal | Carbohydrates: 8g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 4g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 7mg | Sodium: 85mg | Potassium: 19mg | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A: 75IU | Calcium: 9mg | Iron: 0.4mg

    Nutrition provided is an estimate. It will vary based on specific ingredients used.

    Course: Dessert

    Cuisine: American

    Did you make this recipe? Don’t forget to give it a star rating below!

    4-Ingredient Sugar Cookie Truffles (11)

    Categorized as: American, Christmas, Cookies, Desserts, Freezer-Friendly, Frosted Cookies, Holiday Cookies, Kid-Friendly, Mini, No-Bake, White Chocolate Cookies

    4-Ingredient Sugar Cookie Truffles (12)

    Jamielyn Nye is the founder and recipe creator at I Heart Naptime. She is also the author of the I Heart Naptime Cookbook. Here you will find easy family-friendly recipes for every occasion.

    More about Jamielyn Nye

    More delicious desserts to try

    • Peppermint Oreo Balls
    • Christmas Sugar Cookies
    • Easy Cake Pop Recipe
    • Easy Buckeye Recipe

    Add a comment


      • Jaimee

      If I want to make these for Christmas Eve how many days before can I make them for ideal freshness/taste? And how many days before should I bake the sugar cookies?

      • Reply
        • Jamielyn Nye

        Using leftover sugar cookies (1-2 days old) will work best for this recipe :)

        • Reply
      • Sydney
      • 4-Ingredient Sugar Cookie Truffles (17)

      I don’t think I let mine freeze for long enough, but they taste amazing! My chocolate looks messy and not nearly as cute as yours, and some of them fell apart until I decided to just drizzle instead of dip them, but overall this recipe is a win. My brother says they’re great and I’m going to put some in a box for my grandma <3

      • Reply
        • Jamielyn Nye

        The dipping definitely takes practice but glad you enjoyed them! So sweet of you to share them with family!

        • Reply
      • Katie

      I feel like I did this wrong, and I don’t k know how…when I made up the mixture, it only yielded 7 balls-1 tbsp measure out each…what am I doing wrong???

      • Reply
        • Jamielyn Nye

        Hmm…it’s hard to say without being there. Which type of cookies did you use? How many?

        • Reply
        • Sydney

        Mine just went into the freezer and I got 18 good sized balls. I’m not sure what you did wrong but I can tell you what I did. I crushed 13 large sugar cookies from my local Walmart’s bakery in a bag with a rolling pin (and a little help from my hands) then mixed in 3 oz of cream cheese and the vanilla with a fork. My cream cheese wasn’t warm enough yet, so I microwaved my whole bowl for about 10 seconds and it mixed beautifully. For a minute, I thought I’d have to add an extra oz of cream cheese, but I got my fork down in the bottom of the bowl and all the crumbs mixed in as well. I think the cream cheese melting a little helped it all mix together better than it just being soft! I’m not certain what size our cookie scoop is, but I think it’s a tablespoon. The mix tastes great and I hope you give this recipe another try!

        • Reply
      • Allie

      Hi! Would I be able to use the same ingredients but replace the sugar cookies with butter cookies?
      So excited to make these!

      • Reply
        • Jamielyn Nye

        Yes that should work :)

        • Reply
      • Dewik
      • 4-Ingredient Sugar Cookie Truffles (18)

      These are delicious! A big hit at our gathering!

      • Reply
        • Jamielyn Nye

        One of our favorites too! So glad you enjoyed the recipe!

        • Reply
      • Denise T

      Can these be frozen?

      • Reply
        • Sunnie @ I Heart Naptime

        These should be fine to freeze, Denise. Just be aware that if you take them out to serve them at room temperature, they may form some condensation so make sure to allow time before an event.

        • Reply
          • Joseph Michael Costa

          Best to take out of freezer and put in refrig to slow down the condensation on the cookies then remove from frig so that not a shock of freezer to room temp creating the condensation on the cookies.

        • Ashley

        These sound wonderful. I was not able to find sugar cookies so I went with Golden Oreos, my question is do I use the cream inside the cookies or scrap it off??? Thanks so much!

        • Reply
          • I Heart Naptime

          I would follow this oreo ball recipe if using Oreo’s (very similar to cookie truffles) and yes, use the cream insides :) https://www.iheartnaptime.net/oreo-balls/

          • Reply
        • Kelly Minnehan
        • 4-Ingredient Sugar Cookie Truffles (19)

        These sugar cookie balls are a family favorite. I make them for other holidays too and just change up the sprinkles! They freeze well too!

        • Reply
          • I Heart Naptime

          So glad you and your family love the recipe, Kelly :) Thanks for your comment and review!

          • Reply
        • Samantha

        Which cream cheese is best for these?
        Also, apparently no stores near me sell sugar cookies (not the plain hard kind anyways), so should I just make sugar cookies then wait for them to harden?
        Thanks in advance! 💕

        • Reply
          • I Heart Naptime

          Hi Samantha – I usually use the original Philadelphia cream cheese. You might be able to find the cookies on Amazon…look for Pepperidge Farm or Tate’s crispy sugar cookies.

          • Reply
        • Glenda

        How many cookies does one recipe yield?

        • Reply
          • I Heart Naptime

          12 truffles :)

          • Reply
        • Danielle Sandberg
        • 4-Ingredient Sugar Cookie Truffles (20)

        We had a bunch of sugar cookies left over from Christmas and they were starting to get hard. I found this recipe and decided to give it a try. (They were just going to get tossed, so what could it hurt?) My cookies were frosted with sprinkles. I scraped off most of the sprinkles, but my family insisted that the frosting could only make it better. I followed the recipe, substituting the white chocolate for milk chocolate. The boys were so excited about this idea, they couldn’t even wait for the chocolate to dry. Needless to say, these cookies were a hit! I would have loved to include a picture, but they are already gone!! Thank you for putting this out there for us!

        • Reply
        • Lisa

        I’m excited to make these! How many days will they keep for in the refrigerator?

        • Reply
          • Jamielyn Nye

          Up to a week. :)

          • Reply

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