A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (2024)

All but the simplest of websites use databases. Everything that happens on your WordPress site – regardless of its complexity – is recorded to one. However, you may sometimes need to access and interact with your database content – and that’s often difficult without the right knowledge and tools.

That’s where phpMyAdmin (and other tools like it) come in. This user-friendly software enables you to interact with your databases easily. In this article, we’ll talk about what the software does, how to configure it, and some of the tasks it can help you tackle.

Let’s jump in!

Table Of Contents

  • 1An Introduction to phpMyAdmin
  • 2How to Set Up phpMyAdmin (And Configure Its Settings)
  • 34 Tasks phpMyAdmin Can Help You Accomplish
    • 3.11. Checking the Status of Your WordPress Database
    • 3.22. Accessing and Editing Your WordPress Databases
    • 3.33. Adding (And Removing) WordPress Databases
    • 3.44. Importing and Exporting WordPress Databases
  • 4Conclusion

An Introduction to phpMyAdmin

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (1)

phpMyAdmin is an open-source tool built on PHP that enables you to administer MySQL and MariaDB databases online. To use it, you’ll need to install the software on a server running either Windows or one of the several Linux distros it supports.

The software enables you to manage as many databases as you want. You can edit tables and values, create and delete databases, or even import and export them. The application itself is easy for beginners to pick up, but it offers enough depth that it can take a while for you to master everything it offers.

Key Features:

  • Administer your databases using an open-source web application.
  • Set up phpMyAdmin on both Windows and Linux-based servers.
  • Modify any value within your databases.
  • Execute Structured Query Language (SQL) queries to interact with your databases more efficiently.
  • Create and remove databases at will.
  • Export and import databases with a few clicks.

Most WordPress hosts come with phpMyAdmin bundled into their cPanel software. However, some managed hosting services such as Flywheel use different tools, so your mileage may vary.If you’re running your own server, you can set up phpMyAdmin on your own, which we’ll discuss in the next section.

How to Set Up phpMyAdmin (And Configure Its Settings)

First off, if you want to set up phpMyAdmin on your own server, the process isn’t that complicated for those with the expertise. If you’re using Linux, you can do so using a simpleapt-getcommand, whereas Windows Server users can use the Composer tool for an easy setup.

However, you’ll usually find access to the latest version of phpMyAdmin within your hosting account. To access it, navigate to your management dashboard (usually cPanel or Plesk), log in using your credentials, then look for theDatabases section– there should be aphpMyAdminicon inside:

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (2)

Clicking on it will launch the application. While you can start working on your databases right away, you should configuring some settings first. For example, you can change the default language and font size from the main screen, underAppearance settings:

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (3)

You can also change phpMyAdmin’s theme if you want to. Depending on your host, you should only have access to a couple of themes by default, although others are available.Changing themes won’t affect the software’s functionality, of course, but it can make for a better experience if you start using it often.

4 Tasks phpMyAdmin Can Help You Accomplish

Before we jump into the tutorials, keep in mind that we’re going to be focusing on WordPress-related tasks. We won’t be talking about SQL queries, for example, which are sophisticated enough to require more thorough documentation.

There’s far more you can accomplish with phpMyAdmin than we can cover in one article. If you’re interested in learning further, you’ll want to check out the official documentation, which includes everything you might want to know.

Finally, if you are going to poke around under WordPress’ hood, remember to carry out a full site backup in case something goes wrong.

1. Checking the Status of Your WordPress Database

First off, phpMyAdmin enables you to check the status of your MySQL or MariaDB server. To do this, jump to theStatustab in phpMyAdminwithoutselecting a specific database:

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (4)

Inside, you’ll find a summary of all the traffic your server has sent and received while it’s been running. There’s also a running tally of concurrent connections, and even failed attempts. If you’re using a shared hosting plan, chances are your numbers won’t make much sense. This is because you’re not the only person using the MySQL server. However, if you’re running a private server, these figures should be much more accurate, and they can help you determine how much bandwidth you’re consuming.

In most cases, if your database is inaccessible, you won’t be able to use phpMyAdmin at all since the tool won’t be able to establish a connection. This may also lead to WordPress displaying an error saying it can’t connect to your database, which you can fix following this tutorial.

2. Accessing and Editing Your WordPress Databases

Accessing your WordPress databases is simple – phpMyAdmin displays all of your existing databases on its sidebar, and if you’re only running one site, there should be a single option. In our example, we have several of them, but you can identify the WordPress databases as they often includewpin their name:

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (5)

By default, WordPress uses thewpprefix for all its databases. However, you can change the setting (as we did) to make it more difficult for attackers to try and access yours. Either way, once you’ve identified the database you want to edit, click on it. You’ll see a list of tables including easy-to-recognize names, such as comments, users, and posts:

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (6)

For example, if you wanted to edit one of your posts within phpMyAdmin, you’d just need to click on thewpca_poststable name (not theBrowsebutton). Once you’re in, your posts should show up in order using their IDs:

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (7)

If you want to delete a particular post, you just need to identify it either through its ID or thepost_titlefield, then click on theDeletebutton for that row. Alternatively, if you want to edit a post, click theEditbutton on its corresponding row:

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (8)

Inside, you can edit every value associated with that post, including its title, content, the date it was last modified, and more. The names for each value are simple to understand, so you should have no problems identifying each of them:

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (9)

Once you’ve made your changes, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click theGobutton to save them. This will also return you to thewpca_poststable, where you can start anew with a different post. The process for editing values is the same regardless of which table you’re working with – the only things that change are their corresponding values. Given this, you should be extremely careful about any changes you make at a database level and while editing fields you’re not familiar with.

3. Adding (And Removing) WordPress Databases

Deleting databases is the more straightforward process of these two, so it’s a good starting point. To delete a database, go to the phpMyAdmin main screen and look for theDatabasestab at the top:

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (10)

Inside, you’ll find a list of all the databases you have access to.Ifyou have the right permissions, you’ll also see the option to select those databases and ‘drop’ them (which is database speak for deletion):

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (11)

Moving on, any phpMyAdmin user can create new databases. If you’re installing WordPress manually, you’ll need to create a blank database for the process to work. To do so, return to theDatabasestab and look for theCreate Databases optionat the top of the screen:

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (12)

You can chooseanyname you want for your database – just make sure it’s one you can identify later on. Click theCreatebutton when you’re ready, and phpMyAdmin will automatically send you to a screen where you can add tables to your database. Leave it empty for now – instead, go toPrivileges>Add user account,and click on it:

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (13)

Now, choose a secure username and password for your WordPress admin account, then typelocalhostwithin theHost namefield:

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (14)

Then scroll down to theDatabase for user accountsection and tick theGrant all privileges on X database option. “X”in this case should be the name of your database. Click on Go when finished, and your admin user will be ready. Now you can execute the WordPress installer on your server. The installer will ask you for the name of your database, its host, and your account info:

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (15)

At this point, you can go through the rest of the WordPress installation, and your website will be ready to go!

4. Importing and Exporting WordPress Databases

phpMyAdmin also enables you to import and export existing databases. This can come in handy if you want to migrate a WordPress website manually, since you have to copy both your files (using an FTP client, for example) and its database. To export a database, access it from the sidebar on phpMyAdmin’s main screen, then look for theExporttab in the main menu:

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (16)

Inside, you’ll see the option to do either aQuickor aCustomexport. TheQuicksetting automatically includes all of your database’s tables. Choose this option, and theSQLformat from the drop-down underneath, then click on Go:

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (17)

This will automatically download an SQL file containing your database’s info to your computer. If you want to import it onto a different server, just access phpMyAdmin there and look for theImporttab:

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (18)

There, you’ll find the option to upload an SQL file to your server. Simply locate the downloaded file and click on theGobutton at the bottom of the screen. phpMyAdmin will upload the file and create an exact copy of that database on your server.


In a nutshell, most WordPress users don’t interact with their databases directly. While the platform enables you to tackle most of your day-to-day tasks using the dashboard, it doesn’t hurt to know how to tweak your database manually. For example, if you get locked out of your site, and you can’t reset your password, that’s something you can fix through a tool such asphpMyAdmin in a few minutes.

In this post, we’ve presented four different tasks you can carry out with phpMyAdmin. Let’s recap them quickly:

  1. Check the status of your WordPress database.
  2. Access and edit your databases.
  3. Add and remove WordPress databases (depending on your permissions).
  4. Import and export databases to a different server.

Do you have any questions about how to use phpMyAdmin? Let’s talk about them in the comments section below!

Article thumbnail image by apatpoh / shutterstock.com.

A Quick Guide to phpMyAdmin (And How You Can Use It) (2024)


Is it easy to use phpMyAdmin? ›

phpMyAdmin is a simple interface, but quite tough for a beginner to learn. phpMyAdmin is difficult to install as it needs three more software tools before installation, which is- Apache server, PHP, and MySQL.

How to start work on phpMyAdmin? ›

Once phpMyAdmin is installed point your browser to http://localhost/phpmyadmin to start using it. You should be able to login using any users you've setup in MySQL. If no users have been setup, try root with no password to login. Then select Apache 2 for the webserver you wish to configure.

How to use phpMyAdmin in browser? ›

Access the phpMyAdmin console through the secure SSH tunnel you created, by browsing to Log in to phpMyAdmin by using the following credentials: Username: root. Password: application password.

How do I use phpMyAdmin for the first time? ›

A: To start the phpMyAdmin, type in the URL: http://{your-ip-address}/phpmyadmin/index.php and login using the MySQL root/admin username and password.

What is phpMyAdmin and how does it work? ›

phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP that is intended to handle the administration of a MySQL or MariaDB database server. You can use phpMyAdmin to perform most administration tasks, including creating a database, running queries, and adding user accounts.

How do I run code in phpMyAdmin? ›

Begin by accessing phpMyAdmin via cPanel.
  1. Navigate to the area your SQL query will apply to. The phpMyAdmin home page if you want the query to apply to the entire server or hosting account. The database you want to run queries against. ...
  2. Click the SQL tab.
  3. Type in your SQL query.
  4. Click the Go to execute the query.

How do I navigate to phpMyAdmin? ›

How to access the phpMyAdmin?
  1. Log in to your hosting control panel.
  2. Access the Database Manager from the Hosting Tools menu.
  3. From there click the phpMyAdmin link under the Management column for the database which you would like to access.
  4. Once you do that our system will automatically log you in the phpMyAdmin.
Feb 18, 2021

How to create a database in phpMyAdmin? ›

Browse to your phpMyAdmin URL using your Internet Web Browser, and login using your root or dba user login as shown. In the create database field type in a name for your database. Leave the collation drop down box if you wish to use the default MySQL schema collation. Click Create.

What is the username and password for phpMyAdmin? ›

Log in to phpMyAdmin by using the following credentials: Username: root. Password: application password. (Refer to our FAQ to learn how to find your application credentials).

How to enter data in phpMyAdmin? ›

To add records inside a database table, open the table with phpMyAdmin and click on the Insert tab. Enter the desired data in the corresponding fields and click on Go to store it. You can see the newly inserted record by clicking on the Browse tab.

How to run a database in phpMyAdmin? ›

Run Query in phpMyAdmin
  1. Open phpMyAdmin.
  2. Select the database you'd like to run a query on. ...
  3. Select SQL.
  4. Look for the database name again above the text field, confirm this is the correct database you intend to run a query on.
  5. Write or paste your query in the text field.
  6. Click GO.
Mar 27, 2024

How do I access a database in phpMyAdmin? ›

How to access the phpMyAdmin?
  1. Log in to your hosting control panel.
  2. Access the Database Manager from the Hosting Tools menu.
  3. From there click the phpMyAdmin link under the Management column for the database which you would like to access.
  4. Once you do that our system will automatically log you in the phpMyAdmin.
Feb 18, 2021

How do I run PHP in phpMyAdmin? ›

4. How to run PHP files in phpMyAdmin?
  1. Login into PHPMyAdmin, then click on the import tab.
  2. Browse the file with a . sql extension.
  3. Keep in mind to check and uncheck some options.
  4. Choose SQL format and click on Go.
Oct 11, 2023

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