Dark Deception (2014 Alpha) (2025)

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Dark Deception (2014 Alpha) (1)

Dark Deception (2014 Alpha) (2)

"Don't look so confused..."

This article is about older version of the game. You may be looking for 2018 remade version.

Dark Deception was an unfinished episodic first-person horror game, developed and by Glowstick Games.


  • 1 Official summary
  • 2 Game's background
    • 2.1 Demo version
      • 2.1.1 0.2.0-0.2.1
      • 2.1.2 0.3.0
      • 2.1.3 Alpha version
  • 3 Levels
  • 4 Monsters
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Gallery
    • 6.1 Bierce's Ballroom
    • 6.2 The Hotel
      • 6.2.1 The School
      • 6.2.2 The Manor
  • 7 Navigation

Official summary[]

You play as a cop on the run, fleeing from deeds you thought long buried. In desperation, you turn to the urban legend of Helen Bierce, famous actress who vanished in 1930. Dark and disturbing rumors surrounded her disappearance at the time. Out of options and backed into a corner, your only chance is to dive headfirst into evil and hope to survive.

Game's background[]

Demo version[]

The first demo of the game was released in March of 2014 and was developed in Unity that contained two levels, Hotel was played for free as a first level, but for school level it could've been found on GameJolt where the players had to buy it, meanwhile Kira Komrad is the one that recorded it and was given as a free gift by Vince out of respect for their friendship.


Later, the said demo was updated to 0.2.0, where instead of pressing start, players had to select levels (if school level was bought), in the hotel level, the maze was improved and Murder Monkeys themselves, with better animations and textures.


The last of pre-alpha was released as a 0.3.0 version, the player's speed was slowed down and his icon on map is green, the player could not move to look up or down, only left or right. However, this version has major bugs with textures and portal, as they would all appear on the ground and not the wall, execluding paints.

Alpha version[]

Glowstick Entertainment wanted to make Dark Deception a complete horror game, so a Kickstarter page for it was opened. The alpha of the new version of the game was released on January 16, 2015. It has improved much more, such as adding Bierce's ballroom where the player could've find nightmares there. The hotel level was upgraded as the level can randomly be created and the whole goal is not about puzzle piece, but the riddle of heaven.

Later, another version was released with bug-fixes, some of hotel paintings being twistedly hanged and lord's speed increased.

A trailer was posted on the Kickstarter page, which said that the complete game was scheduled to finish around April 2015. However, two major problems occurred, which caused the game to not be completed. The first problem was the fact that the programmer of the company, Mark Henderson, had decided that he didn't want to make games anymore, resulting in him leaving the team. The second reason was not enough money being collected for the game's finished project.


  • "The Hotel"
  • "The School"
  • "The Manor" (Unreleased concepts)


  • Murder Monkeys
  • Agatha
  • Malak


  • Vince Livings confirmed that Dark Deception's gameplay is inspired by the 1980 arcade game, Pac-Man.
  • Originally, during Alpha, Vince wanted level to be differently randomize in order to make the players unaware of what is waiting for them.
  • Although unseen in Demo, fully-made Agatha can be found in the game files of Alpha, with only lacking textures of her own model and nothing more.
  • The 2014 School Demo was considered a lost media for a very long time (9 years). The only content showing level's gameplay was Kira Komrad's video posted in 2014, and Vince repeatedly said that this build was completely lost. However, on August 20th, 2023, Vince managed to find the 2014 School build on his old hard drive and released it to the public.


In the old site poster of Glowstick Games

2014 version of Bierce

Detective Evans' models

Evans' arm with tablet

Evans's Badge

Portal icon of Bierce


Soul Shard

Red Soul Shard

Bierce's Ballroom[]

The Ballroom in the 2014 trailer

The Ballroom in the 2015 alpha

The Right Side of the Ballroom

The Hotel[]


Spawn Point

Boarded room

Hotel Lobby

Ring Altar

The School[]

The Manor[]


v · e · d

Main Characters
Doug HouserBierceMalak
MalakMurder MonkeysAgathaGold WatchersDread DuckiesClown GremlinsReaper Nurses
Lucky the RabbitHangry the PigPenny the ChickenJocelynTrigger TeddiesMama Bear
Red StalkersDark StarUnknown Monster 2Unknown Monster 4Unknown Monster 3Unknown Monster
Mecha Monkey
Chef MonkeysAgathaTitan WatchersDoom DuckyGoliath ClownsThe MatronJoy KillMama Bear
Puppet KingDark Star
Other Characters
Tammy HouserElise HouserVictorEdgarDoug's MotherMistressMinor Characters
Bierce's BallroomThe HotelThe SchoolThe ManorThe SewerThe CircusThe Hospital
Joy Joy LandMcKees Rocks BridgeThe CaveThe MallThe PrisonDark DimensionMinor Locations
PortalsInteractive ItemsTabletSoul ShardsSecret FilesRing AltarThe Riddle of Heaven
Malak's RelicBarriersTrapsSecret NotesClown CarsMalletThe Mark of MalakSyringesBoulders
Monkey BusinessElementary EvilDeadly DecadenceStranger SewersCrazy Carnevil
Torment TherapyMascot MayhemBearly Buried9th Level
Chapter 1: No Way BackChapter 2: Into MadnessChapter 3: Retribution
Chapter 4: Mortal RamificationsChapter 5: Fated Conclusion
Environmental HazardsPowersLevelDeath TipsSteam Achievements
OSTDark Deception: Chapters 1-3 (Original Soundtrack)Dark Deception: Chapter 4 (Original Soundtrack)
Bad RabbitThe Notorious PigAlways NearI'm Dead
Games & Versions
Dark Deception (2014 Alpha)Dark Deception EnhancedSuper Dark DeceptionDark Deception 2
Malak Archives: House of MischiefMalak Archives: The Gamblers Misfortune
TimelineBierce's DiariesArt GalleryScrapped Content
Makeship PlushiesTeespring MerchThreadless MerchYoutooz Figures
Dark Deception (2014 Alpha) (2025)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.