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wi OX WOKlH SlAK ltLEVKMhA TUESDAY JANUARY 18 1983 922 DodgePredoct 93t Ford Product W- 920 HO 940 Automobiles for Sale LlnaXn-MMXury Product vTSMilpTrouSiarnTduMr gold AM-FM cower ileerln lll70ft y3m air extra clean I 940 Automobile for Sale PURCHASE A VEHICLE MAOWt AutamobilM for SaIr ff SAVINGS DATSUN SENTRA Air AMFM 12101 DATSUN 280Z Loaded T-Top Tutone 105 CUTLASS SUPREME Low Miles Automatic 940 Automcbile for Sale WHEN "rr amass ffiaasg BIG 79 CHEVETTE 4-Speed Air 2 144A 78 MUSTANG AMFM Tutone Air 114 MUSTANG Air AMFM 242A CAPRI GS Loaded 527 FORD RANGER Pickup Dual Tanks Automatic Air 1016 MAZDA GLC Air AMFM 12110 2988 3288 4288 5688 6888 5588 Cruise Tilt 244 PONTIAC 6000 Loaded Low Miles 215 ZEPHYR GS Automatic Cruise Air Stereo 2129 MARK VI Loaded Low Miles 256 (2 to choose from) Budget AVAILABLE TRADES AVAILABLE 498 8470 no QArsir 4yO 04yt USED CAR SALES OPEN MONDAY THRU SAT 9-9 OPEN SUNDAY 1-8 7801 GRAPEVINE HWY7 if GRAND PRIX Automatic air power steering FULL PRICE 7995 BALANCE AFTER TRADE-IN fV07V 7 MUSTANG Automatic air power stear- 0 ing fULL PRICE 4095 BALANCE ALTER TRADE-IN 1773 A A PINTO 4 speed air power steering ten OU than 25000 PRICE 3995 AQftC BALANCE AFTER TRADE-IN fioY9 I A FAIRMONT 4-Door Sedan Automatic 0 I Air Value Leader FULL PRICE 5395 tMOC BAUNCE AFTER TRADE-IN 9ft 7 a A DATSUN Corolla Wogon autonsatic air OU power steering FUU PRICE 4395 BAUNCE AFTER TRADE-IN A ESCORT 4 speed air I FULL PRICE 4795 BALANCE AFTER TRADE-IN $3295 $4795 IB A CHEVETTE 4 spaac' oir gat saver OVv FULL PRICE 3395 40406 BALANCE AFTER TRADt-IN filr? fOA T-BIRD autQmatic oir power staarina Ow and brakes FULL PRICE 5995 BALANCE AFTER TRADE-IN $4073' 8A MAZO A RX7 Automatic AMFM! Ou Cassette FULL PRICE 6995 COaC BAUNCE AFTER TRADE-IN $3 BY 3 AM GRAND PRIX automatic oir power OU steering brakes FULL PRICE $6295 £eiOC BALANCE AFTER TRADE-IN $3 I I A TOYOTA TERCEL 5-Speed air AMFM 0 I low mileage FULL PRICE 5295 4A1QR BALANCE AFTER TRADE-IN $4173 A A LTD 4 door automatic air powar steer-OV ing FULL PRICE 5695 BALANCE AFTER TRADE-IN $4595 '80 Coll 2-door hatchb brown with gold stripes automatic air ammifl'tfackstereo 2900(5 ml laffs 460-4270 after 5 pm 76 Dodge Aspen SE black sum 1TAR IES Only 9006mlles and super nice only 4995 Don Davis Olds 48 HOOP 75 Dodge Dart dood shade? Loaded feSO 275-3973 Omni 4 soeed car for equity payoff balanceof 14300 477-370 3 '68 Poiara 4-door good shape S400 295-8000 For salel9634dr Dodge slant 5 atrf runs good Call 498-0542 'fll DodCpit must sell air amfm 3995 S35-6901 '67 Coronet 4 door 6 cvl auto runs good $475 4fe-0426 7n ASPEN SE taupe: 29W)mr Equipped 37985 817-494-2658 924 Ford Product FORD SALE 250 TO CHOOSE FRM ars 455650 T-Btrd List 1L513 $9995 '82LTDCrownUt 1337 $10250 82 Lynx SW List 10559 $2850 AND MANY OTHERS New '83 Escort $5595 1600cc Stock 476 CREDIT OKrD BY PHONE Southtown Ford 14 miles South of Downtown Fort Worth on I-35W Exit 38 295-8121 HERTZ USED CAR SALES 1981 USED Fairmont 12 months unitmNed mileage on power train 498-3401 7908 Bedford-Euless Rd North Richland Hills 24 Mo24000 Mile Warranty '81 ZEPHYR Auto 2 door vinyl too NATIONAL CAR RENTAL 517 CALHOUN 335-1030 '29 Futura auto Dower brakes ft steering cyl air AM-FM 8 track cruise tilt wheel 2 Or bucket seats $3000 Day 235-4701 4 79 Granada Gtiia Coupe 6 cyl low miles $4195 80 Mustang Coupe 18 btlO ml auto sunroof $4995 Earnest Phillips A Son Auto 332-4084 '62 MUSTANG CL Hatchback 6 3J00 Bower' ar' LINGARDFORD 748-1543 '81 GRANADA 2 door great light hall damage LINGARDFORD 248-1543 7 Ford LTD station wagon Power brakes locks seats Steering and windows Crylse control 8 track cassette and AM-FM radio good cbnditlon 11950 461-4585 '81 Granada GL -auto power extras new tires Tow miles $4995 268-2441 days 738-3587 evenings and weekends Low As $200 Down PETE O'NEAL MOTORS 49 Balk nap 8S4-4J79 410 NE 2tn $31-2100 78Plntohatchback 4soeedalr AM-FM cassette power steer wosov'iv uuwvi suMrr- Ing power brakes new tires batteryktsmore MQQOmi Excellent cond $2500 57-0970 '80 Model Thunderblrd? burgun-Ov automatic power and air Dower seats and windows one wrrriced to sell today $4995 '80T felftD only J46o6 miles iarv dau roof stereo radio and more only $5)880on Davis Olds 461- 1ST '82 CiCdRT 4 door only 6 bib -miles $565 LINGARD FORD 240-1543 '76 FAIR MONT WAGON family economy $2475 LINGARDFORD 248-1543 '82 SCOR GL 4 dr loaded low miles 3 to choose from $645 LINGARDFORD 248-1543 MUSTANG 4 speed air 20000 miles $4775 LINGARDFORD 248-1543 '77 T-blrd Town Landau red loaded $2950 wl II consider trade or offers 83-4979 834-5632 '77 T-BIRD Gray well keot reliable AM-FM stereo air original owner $1995 firm Cal! 2654042 T981 Mustang take inpayments small equity AM-FM radio chrome wheels extension war rantv 923-0357 74 Mustang II 5000 ml on new -rebuilt motor auto trans 18 moo very pretty car $1800cash 626-3B71 or Brenda '77 FORD LtD7 Good gas mil? age 60000 miles new radial tires excellent cond 52495 Alter 6pm 494-9826 i '47 MUSTANG 4 cyl air auto' 24m pg best offer Cleburne 1-8)7-6454749 '77 PINTO station wagon I owner 21 actual ml has roof rack air new fires must see to appreciate 449-9920 rtftTMustang turbo 4 cylinder engine airAM-FMradlo sports package excellent condition 800 miles 292-7424 WE FINANCl 77LTD am-fm nice $275down TAYLOR MTR CO 3110 Betknap 834-1103 1978 LtD Station Wagon 1 owner 69000mlles new radial brakes and battery $2600 293-6203 '78 Mustang II 40K ml 6cyl auto air FMstereo 8-track CB good radial tires redwhlte vinyl foa 83600 268-540 or 262-0895 78 T-blrdtown landau t-toos soort wheels fully loaded white wh burgundy $3000 836-7038 782 EXP super savings $5375 LINGARD FORD 248-1543 Wt-Tb 4 door Sedan steri heater air power steering brakes auto vinyl upholstery clean 5235: 284-2376 8 hatchback air 4 isette sneed Marantz am-tm cassett Mlcheilns deluxe Interlt mog verysharo $2100 483 79 Ford Fairmont Station on new engine transmission tires Perfect condition $31 Afford LtD Station Wagon au-to power air 9 passenger ex-- ta nice only $4295 S'T own Ford imjRMrmr GUAR ANTfcED USED CARS Call Andre Or Frank 926-5381 197T Ford 1980 908 NW 1 Hwy Grapevine 481-6511 '77T-BIRD Gray wel I keolreil- able AM-FM stereo air original -Bird loaded excel lent con dltlon new tires $2395 297-4941 ater 7'3'thunderblrd excellent cond' loaded with options bargain $1200 738-7603 '80 Ford Falrmount wagon cvl auto AM $4flX) 294-485 JMRMWhMl DrlYHSport -M TOYOTA 4x4 leorl Trurt Srwelal tone Dalnt Air Cusfo soeed Stereo' Custom "btilll camoer with Custom Interior Chr nrome Dockage $9966 Quality Toyota 625 NE Loop 820 284-9451 You'll love It! 7 Scout One owner 4-wheel drive crluse power tlltDosItlve fraction saddle tan Interior ral ly wheels new tires ft shock $4195 732-3 2438 Ford Bronco XLT 9348 ml still urJ with 3 CaSSettO an vivlii tv tume loocted For somaona with good pra0IL pick up payments of mo Call attar 6 pm 281 rlous Inquiries only JEEEPS JEEPS JEEl New and used Best Deal In Texas See Us Today S518 Belknap 836683) 82 Jeao CJ7 Larado package 6 cvl 5 spaed hardtoo air amfm tfteTilit ne vr SSVloSfter 6om 82 Chevrolet Blazer 6wd al performance and heavy duty options air AMFM cassette C6 frto 1979 power steering brakes 3 spaed new Goodyears chroma spokes extra clean 38000 miles 4514581 ask for For Larry BSS '1 5 weed overdrive 22 MPG Ssb1 Speed 6ti vi tv 44 rg hard doors soft fop negotiable 1-3395 01 deep CJ7 Lardo 4 cyl etdo-matlc overdrive trans power steering m4m rr m-tm redlo hardtop has 8314501 3GMC Jimmy drive Immaculate mileage loadHt WkisFsee to ao-oreclate lo7aX) Call Metro -5744424 WH4i4ndsTl7-433-547 MUST SACRira "WTb Ford BroneoXLT 4x4 newtlres ar towing package tow ml to- LINGARD FORD 168-154) and irBWOdkLtiilVigUJW miles super savings $11295 LINGARDFORD j975Tovofe Land Cruiser Dow nev Chevy V4 kit new ovary-thing $5200 Invested olvtng It away for WJ573-SlT7 night! or Metro 52-1571 days Cal Jeep Wegoneer lim ton toeded mint cond 1 AM-FM ceseette CB air hrtch Mb Blaur ter warn hubs em-i 40K U-Tluto i $4995 Call fiyotoi fm cassette cruise cleen after 4pm 8 DOOGt RAMCHARGE hill power and air condition low mileage and nlc only $4295 Don DdV' Is Olds 46H000 TT iCOUT Pickup 4 wheal drive' 4 cyl limited slip rear end tow ml wel maintained prjoef 79 JEiF Renegade 6 cvl Power steering inline 6 cvl Sport wheels Realnk Dealer 5891 '82 white Landcrulser 7700 ml never off road Excellent cond $10500 9369994 after 6 pm 1 979 Bronco XLV 4x4 auto days 589-i 62 nlSfs 4148 1962 Chevy Blazer 4WD Sliver a immaculate cond do 3500 ml Imt $11750 282-U38 74 Chevy Blawr 4x4 tlras lift kit now Interior trans clean SJ995 42534 4l fcatsun St AN( 5 speed bramahjhell low ml axtra sharp 277-668 241-3691 '86 Chevy Luv 4 wheel drive red tilyltgQO 425-0711 or wramnnnKrar ow miles ell tras must sell aStS' Low miles eMotlonsmnyX' 78 Jeeo Cherokee loaded a m-fm astte CB 81 Cj Renegade 5 cyl' ahard toe ft soft too $8191 3')4 i002 Jk ml am-fm akes tires Nice! $3850 1 evenings '80 4WDAMC Eagle SiatlonWag- on ca nM1 79 Branca Xtt 4 i4new blue and beige loaded extended warranty $7400 J32-0951 bronco iol lr raw 74 Ford rona) power stor SJ56? W6A789 '82 CJ7 6K miles soft too 6 cvl" 6 speed $7400 Good buy 481 3615? after 6 77TJ5 too 17995 J5 Jeep new nS: tires new soff xcel lent cond 280Z 4 sod 59k white Immaculate $5200 571-4744 76 Blazer 4x4 air power auto good cond $3250 244-580 '2 LAREDO Hardtop Loaded big tires low miles 57STl4 4 1 fordf-250 low ml good cond $2750 44 9749 T'nrftFB lions $600 294-3859 81 soft lo all oo- -24 60 '9 ftlaier' 4x4 blue loaded M17 My'hafP- lb LUV 4 4 air cruise 25K miles 1000 33-0313 after 5 Tf49 Willis Overland Jeeo needs restoring $350 31-9497 1980 black I Toyota Land Cruiser ladoed nsoected-readyfodrlv42469t '47 LANDRGvES hardtop good cond new tires $2400 5jftftl30 'TS Silverado 4x4 auto lr) tilt $1975 44HDfr $Sr Hunlnfl Buttov' iTTW Fiberglass dune buggy 875 461 irt tt stnd trans excellent 9263745 cond $5000 4x4 3ln lift kit 443 TiltoOOllrmW4-S294atler4 728 LlncoltvMorcury Product I9U Town Car $12999 12 months unlfmlted mileage on power train 790 THE $MALRTil7 TOGO 83t2Pln $345 mo NORTH HILLS LINCOLN nMPSm-n Hfel l-lncoln $1 clean Ip tras Seohenvfl few milei 1 '72 Mercury Capri 4 cyl 4 speed trans air cassette pood work school car 8700 or pest otter TTtfarWTOBT Iparted Wite'ia Ion fe'icarxtracieent miles new tires 76 Lincoln tontlnenji loaded one owner 53000 ml 5 must ooraclut IFOnSInVerJ sallies fully load- 35 W0 ml days Ings ft weekends ly 47000 mile lots of extras and $2695 Don Davis CHds 461- '81 MFRCURY LYNX great (Or that tlrstor saenndrar lots of ex- 0avlt 7i Lincoln Towne C6boe excel- Old mobile Products TOTi THE note Oids884doo 884poor loaded all the gbodlesforUfamllv $4QOdown PAW MOTOR CO M81 3ith 6361937 1979 Cutlass Suortnie Broug hem power brakes storing tilt wheel AM-FM stereo radio cond I hem power bn AM-FM stere 35000 ml excellent owner 1500 268-3603 have reolacedour service loaner Toi iams pi Moritz Cadillac 461-3333 75 6tlass Sooreme excellent mechanical cond very clean ralit body $1560 78j-30C)9 or RoyaleB 2 door diesel S6o00 lent cond many extras 249-4776 DELtAbli9ylBr9ugh am ml excel $5995 79 Cutlass Calais In excellent condition 26o V8 motor soort wheels 2 tone oalnt I wlllcorisld-er older car in trade 478-6379 80 Omega Brougham mint cond 27000 ml fully loaded pood mpg $4895 or make offer 3660629 ifter 3 PM Ask for Mike fr Gutlass loaded amfm new tlresshocks 1 ownergreat shaoe 62000 ml $3000 W4-8506 after cm REGENCY Broutham Diesel Warranty er moonn sell $12 81 CUTLASS Brougham-3 Door Auto air AM-FM stereo miles Extra clean 261-4131 -Days aa '81 bEGENCY loaded with all the power ootlom you are looking Ot ciTm? vSS1 vo995 Oon Davis 'BOGustOMCR ISER WAGON loaded with alt kinds of extras and only $4588Don Davis Olds 46MOOO -si cutlass Supreme COUPE low mileage and lots of ON loaded with lotsof extras low mileage and nice only $8)88Don Oavls Olds 46M000 '81 DECENCY loaded with all the power options andnlcv Inside out only $7588 Don Davis $0 Cutlass brougham power sunroof fully loaded all notions 16650 Days 282-8028 after 6 95-1192 '81 Cutlass Brougham -door velour Interior tow ml amfm cruise al excel lent cond $7495 4850925 power 1 atsAM dows door locks seats AM-FM cassette 20K ml oood mog Clean green $7800 429-4678 toronado gray loaded low mileage Extra extra clean! $9495 261-5324 days 4699479 76 Delta 88 AMFm iLtrock al power velour Interior great work car $1995 286l5ltfor 4855139 after 5 77 to '81 model cars at Bobby 9 98 Regency 2-door power windows oower seats cruise leather Interior 817683-2905 t98 6ids Cutlass -AM-FM 6 track 571 tranke Best offer ireme tilt miles ex-12-2033 71 OLDruttaift NICE! We Finance YATES Bros 2123 Jack sboro Hwy 6263197 49 Olds Cutlass needs minor ms good 1500 firm after and weekends EXTRA CLEAN 74 88 Royale new belted tires new pleated vl nyl seats $1195 293-3256 8 Regency 2 dr brown tan leather very pood car $3650 451-407 or 2656 80 Toronado like new loaded Moon Roof all extras $9)50 or best offer $767077 80 tut I ass Supreme VB air cruise auto very good cond $5300 or best offer 2461534 77 Cutlass reme loaded 't £wrwwhlteblue $2900 Jack T501 98 Regency 4 door low ml fully loaded! Priced for Quick sale! 927-8354 ')8 6mea 7 dr bucket seats console am-fm-tape deck pow er air 305 V8 $2500 77 Cutlati Brougham I owner tutlass Supreme V6 cruise control power windows flit amfm $6000 29X1623 'TREGENtYall the extras vot are looking for and super nice on DonDavls6lds461-1000 Exceptionally clean 88 ovale 350 V8 price 732-6416 4 barrel good 7) CUTLASS auto airk storlne A brakes I ow Great cond 42M344 R'EFncY i owner "wife baby'' loaded extra dean 3fW-W or nights 429-5685 £ten '77 iutlass Suoreme am-fm power storlnabrakes new tires 13000 2968873 79 Toronado gold over paid 199 Oldsmoblle Cutlass Diesel jttW mUwllin9 price $3500 7f88Royaledleel4door sedan loaded cton 48d00 ml oood maintenance record 498-1766 79 Waoon Custom OkJ 48000 ml LOAOED diesel possible for smalt truck or etc 4961766 74 Cutlass Salon Auto air tilt stereo $2000 292-434 Regency 4(1000 owner fully eoulpDed diesel 3327 mpg ex cellent-must sell $74)0 2661961 76 Cutlass Brougham7i tqp all Dower new tires 33TI80 after 6 weekends '82 Diesel blue loaded 4 yr transL warranty $10000 838-0961 iupreme msferable -0961 '77 Cutlass 2door verygoodoon dltlon new tires AM-RMradk) tap playgr $35 381-739 161 Cutlass Brougham 4 door Olds Cutlass LEFFBro ii tORONAfid" 3000 original mllv $2788 Morlit Cadillac MIJ77J $164 mo 58-1813 'h 4-booy warm cloth Interior $891 Mof Iti Cadillac Ml-7 198 Olds Toronado takeover payments of after 4 pm Hi-0245 77 91 Regency 4 dnorctw $J450wilitrade M6S2S1 clean car 71 (5C6I M3-J721 or UM07I 'JT'Omega 2 door good clean work car make offer 79 Olch88 Hoildayoupe loaded asking $4350 870-1558 '77 Cutlass Supreme good cond $1700481-6447 IT Ita 88 Royale 4 door load $9950 1895 ed 12500 ml ll excellent cond $2950 232-8457 '81 foronado XSC 200061hlles( loaded 76 98 Olds loaded excellenl cond tan $3250 Call 2462819 8 futless rough am loaded extrac1ean4rkml573-47j0 after 2869999 or 256-1124 Cuilaift ver P77 V- auto FM rune greet QJ64030 alon condition clean $2: to 4 door excel lenF liiwT24fr-4556 CuTlassZonvelbenke new $4800 818-7033 83 66X0 76 CUTLASS ioaried and clean 8366959 or 576652 idgflass'Soort perfect iPtaw) new $2095 933-9153 Cut I as Supreme I th new ro-bullttrani Salon auto loaded vinyl top46712l8after6wkday 73 Did Vista bruiser loaded condition ooodc Hx tutlas great cond $7: al 32000 ml 5 tall 335-6146 '8t Omega Dower air cruls very clean $4350 9264140 TffTu 1 1 aTs Brouoham loaded mint condition $4450 24-033 Loaded $2650 TJfr 263-5ne owner WTutia lag A3P0 auto air super cond 244 276 78 fipf fTTjm'SiS? late fully loartadOT-IMl 75 BeliaM Mgke good work car Runs 9ood 23 3517 Tutrass Supreme 4600 ml loaded $4950makeof fer 26 7733 ncy excellenl cond 28 800ml 4 MO 374-2763 77 Old 98 tuiiy kuuNd axcaiiant cond $7350 494-3844 21 fexcel lent mechanical loaded good body 2nd car 2-04j -fe) Cutlasi ftrouuham good cond loaded 245944 940 Automobiles for Sale 5688 12999 7988 7888 6288 4 4 i OQQ IHjvOU BMgBS LTlMtlil CAllfOR -r- im to 93ft Imported Cars HJatsunTTrulltoadwr y950 817-779-3594 Batsun Wagon auto air $3595 2 4 4921 TEXAS MOTORS FORD Datsun '80 200 SX Hatchback 5 speed air 35000 miles AMEM cassede clean 3950 335-3288 or 534-93M bAtSUN '80 280 ZX 24-2 a one owner new car trade In low mileage and loaded with all theextras onij $9588Don Davis Olds 461- BATiUN '80 280Zk 21 Com-pietely loaded all extras brown beige $1020rf 346-1570 Datsun '80 280ZX 6l package loaded Hop etc low ml excel-lent cond $9500 460-4631 Datsun 10 GX Soort Loupe am-fm air velour Interior 43k ml Al cond $3495 l-783 277 DATSUN '81 280ZX Brilliant Firemlst velour Interior all the toys low mileage special at $10645 Ken Newev Datsun 2469460 or Metro 429 2011 bAfSUN 'II 2S02X stiver A blue Tfop GL package batsun '81 auto white with red Interior $11900 or best offer 261-0868 Datsun '82 Turbo 280ZX auto air power loaded custom stripes shadow package 8000 miles like new! Ttop $149V5 6560940 Batsun 'Syjsozx auto loaded TTops low miles Datsun '83 Pulsar Loaded $i56rro LEFF Bros -589-1813 4 dr air autoT 17000 ml too cheap 457-d317 Plat lovely '80 Solder 2000 convertible 5 soeed 214-8212706 FIAT Rebates Quality Flat Dealer BAILEY FIAT 701 NE Looo 820 Hurst 589-2201 FIATS NEW 1982's up to CASH REBATE 336-9811 University Dr A West Freeway King CHARLIE HILLARD FREE LIST Shopping Hiqfi YOTA IP You Art Shopping For A USED VEHICLE Call -OIJAlTtY TOYOTA For A Rt I ST of Our nitre Invan In tory Including fi model! Color QUALITY TOYOTA 625 NE Looo 820 284-9451 81 GL 4 icMd air power Storing radioing i seats extra clean pay off tha note Metro 467-7346 LlnoolnTown Gxipe 74 Lincoln Mark I new new engine paint ILlncoln town Car Good a itjon $750 2407 JewtlOrT rllngfon 73 Marquis white air all pow- shraf0- lr) t7i0 ltf Lincoln Conflrwntal 4oar couaa Fully loadad Low mi 1980 Monarch Ghla axcaiiant cond loadad 38000 ml las Sasj offar732-i033 '61 dontlrxTai Mark VI loadedT Mercury Cougar XR7 fully loaded excel lenf cond $495 WflOTeohyr 4 dnor 4cyt stick Lincoln town car excel lent cond jKtual mL 49000 tona actual ml 49000 must sell $4995 9261 191 460fe02 '8l Grand Marauls loaded low mileage nice extended warranty available titt 479-0735 Ytougar XR 3 ii xcel or lent best Mercury tolooy Park load- 75 AAonarch all power air am" fm taoe Stereo vinyl roof pood cy d78K 1 20o after 6 4960066 '79 MaX loaded with all the extras and super nice only $7366Dpn DavIsXtids 461-1000 Mercury Zephyr '7) extra clean low miles VxXX) rwgotl able 144-5213 or '78 Bobcat extra cleen sucer stereo 4-soeed power and air Lincoln Akark to fully loedad ixhite with red Interior less than 4000 miles 498-369 after Som 'STMercury Lynx 4 soaed air 78 Grand Marquis loaded clean asking $7500 2T2-893I 7i CaorL good condition priced to sell 408-4153 Must sell '77 Coupar XR7 fully loadwTlow mtJnA 184 3M-I082 1980 Lincoln Town Car $8940 54-4473 '74 Cougar XR 7 air stereo new HresTiTOO 237-i044 1975 Lincoln towncar loaded extra clean $2300 451-0814 Low mileage It-jl91 O'yncoln Town cr $300 cash '77 Mark 44000 original miles extra clean 54195 2M-4174 WirFH -4 door Loedad $2175 Broker 4ft-2048 to Mercury Gougar XR7 1 take up payments 449-0950 -75 Cougar XR7 extra clean $1850 445-4395 )9MAttK fr 466 All extras 244-1055 j3 Mark IV red kwtot $1 69: itiful whltt on 4963256 call after 5 74 Mark IV new paint ft tires looksft runs 535-7480 XR Cougar good axtd best otter JftdOsiT 75 Uricpln Town Cor $2000 Ask for Xtvln T364636 6 1 Lincoln for saor trde Btst offer 451-6772 tfttr 6 pm power good car i 737-3785 80 town car full '80 Towncar fully loaded fawn leather Interior $8900 292-040 76 Uncolmhall damage ilSOOT bast offer Must sail! 732-3468 pwKTdootoritriruM good 3968008 or Mercury Monarch Ghia! good cond 4574443 power loaner OMtmotollE Products Jsrysler- CLEAN CARS AM Velour Seats act ln40JM0Mlwt MataKHIIT Broueiiwn Valour 4040 Ses -33000 Ml- 79 CUTLASS Metallic Brown-Beige '6 Top New Car Trad in-21000 Ml '80 CUTLASS Metallic Brown-Gold V4 Too Caiaii'AII Electric Assists -15000 Ml- Tub Wire les 13 Mo13000 Miles Available ON MOST USED CARS 332-1115 Riin-nit tHOU USED CAR 191 USED CUTLASS S6299 12 months unilmlttd mileage on power treln 7906 BedforrftEuless 1 North Ichlartd Hills dlds Cutlass Brougham '80 tour door beige with tan vinyl root Inlyrlor tilt steering cruise tlful black wlthb hCjalr power cos- ets aut aette 3469- automatic al only 2405 Kan Newev 460 or Metro Metro ll a ecaflent CMtta 88 RoyaW trevetom dtoat 28-30 meg ex-eft erviea ttoeo- wire wfaela Landau top rally wheels cruise control stereo radio and mor cnij tS788Don Davis Olds 441 t4ii305 Light Redwood-IAModoraln Trim Light Redwood-Woodoraln Trl Velour 6040 Power seats Wlndow-THt-Crulse-Stereo One Owner-9 Passenoer MEADOR 13MUSOR W11)9 'll Delta Roy ale Brougham door diesel ail power am-fm iuiHname 2 door Soort Gxjd V6 air crulsf power V6 air cruise power storlngbraket AM-FM star Include tilt wheel cruisa control power seat windows and dooi locks and much more onh $6288 Don Davis Olds Mi-1000 oower windows and door locks rjonlyUDDvIs 77lie5i Jadestona With MEADOR: 338-1135 or 333-11)9 Jii IWmrni Mldnlte Blue-WcxKtgroln Trim TlirNmkira MEADOR lli-llliw 3:1 2-1139 'E Y6tTH N6TE 197! Cutlass 2 door auto cower air extra nice $150 down paw Motor co iftito ffif bond Cutlass Calais fully loaded '80CullassBroujh Cond 237 )99081161 iam Excellent 'er 6 week days PiHwy ite 5395 Call L'gwmyvgry clean $7950 65a-win vrv BSS car ATOOO take trade-in von usesno oil clean Insldeout Cash no Checks $485 237-34W Au staijsrlglnai new palnj VTFcd Mustang soorty meg wheels amtm cassette $1895 794-1885 00 cln '73 Ford om short block 977-7698 or 9719963 afternoon GRANADACwSTWwio! alroower Very John 1-594-1 1 16 2LJD' 4dr elr auto cruise newtlres owner 740ifo miles $3600 or best otter Mustang Gouoe air 4soeed 4 cyLnew aluminum magsfirgj 79K ml $4000otter 460-8I27 49 clean 4cyl auto am eo air 7954 ESCORT DL 4 doer auto ')5 GR AN Yorlno 4 door auto) teiean-run 9raa' PINTO good clean car good after 'fa5rr snada 4 door Sedan 302V8 full power stereo 57000 ml ra dials very ctean245 236-783 78TQPRI Fastback 6 cvl 4 speed overdrive amfm cas dining seats 467-2285 sette reclining seats 1978 Mustang V4 auto AM-FM stereo cruise new battery tires shocks- $7950 860-9363 after 4 Ti PInto Squire wagon Auto air stereo oower V-6 4300(J ml new tires $M5b 47-34A Thunderblrd new engli $1500 cond' SBKSSafi" TEXAS MOTORS F6RD FORD j7 Escort Waaon auto air TEXAS MOTORS OUIO UI IF2' '80LT04Door auto air V4 Thunderblrd full oower clean $1495 CSn be seen at 5BX SniDO Dr Watauga 454-3604 '79 Mustang good "cond llbOO WMustanG Must sell i6oE best offer 860-7357 1967 Mustang restorable make me an offer 794-4079 MIMUM0'0" 00r' lr' MUST SELL 190 FORD LTD 4 DOOR OEAN $1350 7S4-0W5 75 Pinto auto engine complete-y overhauled $995 7387878 87 EXP 12X mLllkenew load-ed $60bo or best otter 424-7494 MT8 8 Mustang I tone radlals mags stereo $1450 M4-52I3 '77 LTD loaded showroom new runs perfect $1200 287774 '68 Ford Torino GT 4 spviSTl cel lent cond $950 A5-2t3 r5fi iBA Station Waecn! 4000 ml $500 4744744 auto! agon air clean 249-57i i ord Galail good tires clean In-out fef 6262189 76 Mustang liblue runsi excellent cond $19ft '80 Fiesta A-1 cond 4 speed alrT stereo sun roof 282-8402 1 -owner I -owner loaded low mileage $5)95 4464321 'Al Thunderblrd black sliver loaded $7500 4465105 TTmUSTANG V8 looks rough 735-1627 75 Elite loaded new shocks brakes tlrssTflsbO 232-5779 JS cash cyl stnd $200 tl Granada must sell $1895 excel lent cond after 5 498-0800 '8 1" "Fa 1 rmonl Waoon Jcy I 1 1 ver rack extra nice 782-8S0Q must sell 477-3486 or 1979 ord Flesta stick shift sun root $2450 860- 66 Mustang GT manual seats driven dally 249-4066 Wf-felrd loaded fullypowered! lots of extras $4000 656TJ5I0 '6FordEilt allpoweralrJVA-PM good cond $1595 i7)-to32 '77 LTD 2(500' ext ra nine I family owner $1995 451-9734 Maverick clean 53000 ml '8 1 soort Wagon auto al stereo excel lent cond $530(1 294-3478 r4i MUiANfi' to auto air Ilka new extras otter 451-2304 76 ELltE only 30000 miles ex cellent condition 924 897 '75 FOR 6 EHte allpowe A alr very clean 1974 Fairmont wagon 4 speed mat Clean $21954851 5340940 or 71 T-W-rrnnyds paint t977 Pinto Wagon V4 cleen loaded Weatherford 1-4941029 mriTccsv runs good 16S5? 281-5067 after 1 PM ft weekends stongSTbb AiTsTH uns WTl6ftold luxury Wtlon! All ootlom $1995 738-2593 6 ilte air power lilt cruise! gaupes 44-1645 Price cut to slight dent '81 Escort loaded 48ft 736t 4 6G ANApA 4 look good runs good $I8W WF8020 78 PINTSTtSchBadt'' Auto' Air $1695 Frank-M4-20I0 iTBRTNA6A'i 7Tkd" iiOOO ffrokr 626-2W8 door $1431 roker 474-2(548 I960 Grenada excellent cond I owner 1595 491F374I '64 Ford Falcon VB l5600mlri angina $950 836 2QI2f 8365467 7 9 Mustemi 3 door slick shlli) excellent $295b- 24441 T9 LTO wagon loaded nice priced to sell $3550 2440461 'fWdZnMwlwKTWQT Loaded $22504 $l56 2958982 f-S IR Oi-Very cleen: all pow-ar starao w750 460-4uiaftar 7TMustang 4-spaad alrclaon $1395 1-owner 5360360 r1" rjf i yei LTD Landau loaded stereo adl alsSIIOO Call 5145244 WMawrick 4 cyL 2 doorAM-FM air auto $W5 MA-tM Til Flnlq haThh'i deluxe air auto $1700 Wn wagon very depend-ablej650 282-4440 alter 5 PM Galixy ml $650 AtterTpm 429-0407 Ulscort fcLX waunn take Co payments Call 1-783 8n6 PIntTwaurM FCTww tl res very clean ilOflb 483-10 14 Mustano II Ghla! $1500 731-4771 aher Vim sra 0 WARRANTY WE TAKE FINANCING 5 910 OWsmobile Product BTutlalTSuor crulalllt4itoorty6S0 'il Cutlasi Supraxrw BraKiham loadwl yrynka $8400 tJftSTaS 79 Cutlas Calais loadad 76 Cutlass Subrtme now silver paint loaded $1800 473-4881 'tl Cutlajj Supren 2 doorcun-olatlltmoyln8255 834271 74 Olds Cutlass wth air Call 247-0234 affr 4 pm l4 dutiau Salon rww 82450offvr 47ft44M aftr '82 toronado claan tllMd' Must sail 42T-1lt4 Irt 10006 milts il6IM 429-922 79 Otrk Electric windows doors tow ml IIXnw4777D22 65206 i3ijeutlrnl0wml Cutlass V4 tilt hockats 3CK ml mint 5H473av 932 Pontiac Products tl TRANS AM Auto Power T-T Air StrgCassatf windows Tilt wheal a control Shadow kit tDoKre with Cassatt $3J9! QUALITY TOYOTA 625 NE Looo 820 284-9451 '80 PONTIAC Gran Prlx Sterling sliver with charcoal Interior automatic Sy'isilS dKkl Kan Newer Oatsun 2469460 or Metro 429-W1 1 Firebird bJlauty with automatic power air Ortve this one today and fake It for only $5495 Ken Newey Datsun 429-l1 '79 PONTIAC Formula $now white with fawn bucket automatic air power complete towmliesatonfy $6750 2469460 or 5iStro 551 1 400 4 speed 4 bar rel md fire new eiecfrical system new Inspection solid car primer trade for smaller 457-794J Rick Wallace 77 TRANS AM I owner wife's CLEAN excellent cond 1 Ti! must selll ml must se 1495 280-3920-John 4311643 '80Flreblrdv-6 automatic dark gray with red Interior power tut ex 595 or trai UP 263-4911 '80 Formula Firebird gold 301 am-fm stereo cassette oower storing A brakes tl It wheel factory air $5300? 2762477 witfn 73Grandyllle2dr Of RIS TAYLOR MTftltt 3110 totfcnap 0361103 70 GRANiyiRlK LJ model loaded with tl It wheel crulsacon-trgl stereo and more only $3880on Davis Olds 46M000 TfFlfi I I a 1 1 pow ar aledrlc moonroof flit AM-FM cassette 41000 ml extra nice 2651267 Aontlac 6000 front wheel drive air power storing 680( ml under warranty Ilkenew WK 1 Abrams Arl69485 6onnevUle2 door 8 rougham loaded blue wlthbiuelnter tor all wliriscrltlca 5000 miles amfm stereo tilt cruise light blue with white vinyl top 1007 My back steel sleeved engine power steeringbrakes auto air $1095 weekdays after 7pm 457-4063 78 FIREBIRD powar window T-too crulsa tllt350 4 barrel at 42K ml runs Ilk $3495 bast otter 157-7559 WTSKaM PttiX new tlrav bucket seats stereo rdlot48MarltiCallliac44l 1974 P6WtlA Graortvllle lull illTl'is 9007 74 Grand Prlx SJ Si! 70000 xcal- rand 475-2473 WTCatailna I low mile- TWiTontlac Bonneville 6roug-ham 4 door extra nice non- smoker $9740 2660186 80 Grand FrlxTjirles axcal- lii 6 I to 4 speed pow" er jrstarao lilt itallna door runs oood miles $995 negotiable 485- '81 Bonneville Brougham load- Wajffii5xWask- il Grand Frlx Brougham dove 75 trans Am 406 6speed AMFM l-track rut $2400 Warren 451-3417 ns good Tr7 auto air power TiGrand Safari wagon all power new tires 1 shocks $2000 or best offer 6563749 after 6 'Tl trans Am steeringbrakes FM cassette 7liMANTTionoalnt sllvercrulsetMtalrVer Inside out blue! lean tilt air Verycl $2650 246-569 ANOFR IX rally wheel I sport mirror stereo power auto '77 6R AN6 PR I I runs good needs minor repairs predate $1 100 2379985 HOENIlCmoO Auto air tut 44500 ml Clean 775-434 bays AM! fWIontlac Trans AM fully 23afUit rrTS' BbNNlVILlS low mileage and nice lots of extras and only Don Davis Olds 4611000 trans Am tfops power air flit am-fm 006 mhes excel-lenl condition $5750 293170 I 93ft Imported Car ii DATSUN MAXIMA 198) 4 DOOR SEDAN Air 5 speed sunroof AM-FM stereo velour Interior under 11000 miles $10995 GRUBBS DATSUN METRO 2i 463121 Mh9! 310AlrpprfFrwv Norwood Exit todford Texas Datsun '80 fully loaded Will sacrifice 6562226 after 6 Datsun wagon '81 210 5 soeed? AM-FMcassefte S6006 429-43 1 4 DA WEDI FOR 3UNTI tlCE QUOTE FIELDS Motor Co Metro 498-3590 817-325-7827 HWY 180E MINERAL WELLS 6atsun 1979 210 Wagon 34 mpg air 5-speed red $3600 29694J9 Datsun 1980Tl0 am-fmeassette? alrhlghml bestofter 265-7080 Datsun 1980 280ZX 22 Immac ulate 45000 I owner ml 5 swj950 336937 1 ext 44 1 7or Datsun I960 510 wagon air stereo cassette cruise Mlchelln tires 14 mo extended warranty remaining $4995 732-4113 Datsun 200 '77 dam I ght rear runsgood' ter 6 PM 777dam aged right $2150 232-9249 et 3W204iyn'Ca OeHun 300SX 'IIHafchbeck cellent cond auto $6750 466-0109 Datsun 200SX '8b excel lent cond must sell 572- jffi after 6 wrecked right front engine good $1000 Also '70 ViN bus 1969 NW 1000 444-2373 or 4463886 Datsun 280ZX --IAK UePeymentv LEFF Bro 5W-IB13 Datsun 2ttflZX''72 Rout 35000 ml asking 277-5600 attar 6om TDOlk YurL T-toos leather all oower 10500 miles Extra claan $13200 572-3749 alter 630 pm Datsun 1002 'iJTbiack ft gold leather t-toos all options tow ml $149952-1966 Calsun 316 GX coupe '80 air mog Oatsun 310 19h0 one owner 40 400 ml 4 soeed AM-FM cassette aoorox 42 mog 431-2277 fcATSlJN ji' 24027Txcenent cond $3950 Call $30-0933 Batsun J73 new Hres runs needs 712-5298 496-4439 weekends Bntsun '74266t ornange with black Interior Air AM-FM star- Datsun 74 260222 stereo au batsirn TSiOiTextra clean sll-ver A black new Mres new Jus pension automatic Must sell $5900 9261506 anytime bafsun $2600 firm 838-0415 after 2 D'Af SUN 5' TO wile car 11895 737-5333 DATSUN '79 280 ZX loaded with Dower windows stereo cassette rear sha lots mori Olds 461- Balsun CLP (22F Immaculata cond 34500 ml black-gold loaded power win-dows-mlrrors 232-IS35 alter 5 rer windows stereo cassette shade kit two tone paint and ySa8'Bon 0avl1 207 loaded I $8750 625-12 1 4 JAJAJilfWW PSotwAil Tiu 9MM 32 Pontiac Product 76 rad Firebird 400 angina air haatar AM-FM cassette runs good! 457-3301 77 Gran Prlx lowneroood con ginr2750 Mwiday-Frtday 8 78 Pontiac iunblrd 4 speed ex-tra clean sun roof AM-FM cas-setle air i power 589-7852 MUST SELL THIS WEEK" 78 rant Must see to appreciate 444-305)' 8 lemanidooriMFM star eo V6 auto air 53000 ml nice $2500 6ll 93-6212 1979 Grand Prlx LJ blue with velour Interior bucket seats tilt wheel 292-2894 737-5687 '77 Grand Prlx Good cond Pow-teering power brakes air tires $2400 286)334 Grand Prlx automatic air? power steerlno $6995 2464921 TKXAS MOTORS FORD 49 PontiacYrans AM auto air power $4995 244-4921 TKXAS MOTORS FORD 198t Bonneville Safari 12700 rJvrallvanl '80Y6ANS-AM furtxJ lndy 500 Edition glass roof $7995 fWrltz Cadillac 461-2222 li brand Prlx clean like new fires $2695 ')6 6RAN6 PRIX loaded cruise tilt '76 Grand Prlx X-xtra nice 36k mi loaded metro 261-8999 Pontiac Firebird excellent cond Call after 6 2469299 '7 Pontiac Ptvxsnlx 4 Itoorl $2000 Call 4511140 or 761025 '78unblrd equipped 4 speed cyl 14 '82 rens-Am t-too 4 speed ex tras low ml i) 1 506 276314 Must sell 1982 Pontiac J2O00 hatchback best otor 457-1054 6onnevllle low mileage 28215)8 2821518 after jpm 43i-iB44 '81 brand Prlx LJ ail Options tops 14000 ml $8000 7387278 'H firand Prlx sunroof fully loaded like new $5150 261-2602 78Grand Prlx 301 V-8 nice sell or trade 737-7635 81 Grand Prlx stereo landau lop wires $6391 572-269 '77 Grand 1x7 red AMT newtlres 20t) 293-8026 runnln9 71 Catalina loaded runs good $395 or offer 2463471 I bran rlx LJ while red loaded special care 924-3139 79 JUNBIRD7 Powers Ar $7495 Frank 336-2010 '80 brand Prjxihvioaded real nice must sell 7 '68 LEMA runs good trans 4fe-0853 76 brand Prlx loaded fer 834-9839 '81 Grand Prlx Brougham fully ioadedl7250or best offer 24-5404 1980 Pontiac furUlrd 26000 $3295 Call 838-7787 76 firebird 6 01 506 246 6302 after 60m Pi loaded hoenlx 5 cinor hatchback 274-2605 after 5 TOth Anniversary Trans Am Limited Edition offer 4pm 572-0068 936 Xlph! Imported Cart jha Komeo topnlce $850 '78 red with bl rkk 1 295-49612968359 Audi 19793660 loaded HSSmT? warranty new tires 551-0822 Audi 1980 5000furto 1 4 OOOTnTieT? black complete turbo package compl excellent condition after 6 pm weekdays 467-0072 Audi 1986 50005 moon rodOfK mT JIke new 17W0 589-2061 Audi 40W'6O6K 4 dr 0 292 55- clean 55i3 Audli000S 79 moonroof load-ed Make offer 292 339s AObT5n0OLS air XM FM Pretty In 8 out $50 31-3254 very imm isSTdrtotti: Audi 74 F'ox 4 door air auto low ml regular gas 8181 AuDl 'M 4000 4 door elr euto- mJlc rUceLowrie CHEVY 11 SW LOOP IM 293-5811 36 Imported Car Bavarian Motors Lee Dlredly From the Source ft Pey Yoursell the Brokers Fee 1983 BMW FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CALL FOR TERMS FERRARI DEADER i5V University Metro 4291249 336555 BMW OUfe ONLY DUSINTSf al in Texas Sato JOH ROB TS BMW Dallas 2536 Forest Lane (214 247723) BMW's Used Choice of A Bavarian AAotprs 3365551 SMw 79 336l brown 4 soeed? cassette alloys 195C0 or best of fer 83601 45V 2697 1980 package met aTTIc silver ver clean well main talned 36K ml Home 54(1 M2 work 47-Ur BMW 1980 3201 with package black black cloth Interior Blau Dunkf stereo Recaro sports seats sunroof alloys 40000 miles $12900? 40-3525 BMW 1951 Interior 1 283-873 black with beige or best offer 4 after 5 5MW3201 1977? ruby red air con dltlonlng AMFM 6track sun roof 38X)0 miles great running 4-4088 afWr 5 fiMW 3201 oon ton Into 86611 71 Bavaria Immaculate sporty 6door 6 soeed stereo 74 20(72 burgundy with BMW gray Interior ri ter aflBr ffMW 74 002 very gopdeond soeed $5000 Call 73U474 runs well $3800 7 weekends speed BMW 70 3201 excellent cond air sunroof alloy rims AMFM stereo automatic $8295 834 3475 623-M62 BMW '80 3201 air sunroof am fm cassette 5 speed alloys wetr maintained $1(5500 738-5847 BMW '01 sunroof allovV SMWHnoitavhiW ml Special care 926 BMW 'SIT2JE Arctic blue parchment leather I speed coll before 6 3455 or after 5916685-BROWN mOtoR workT 4908 Loserilane Dallas ExcellwT? selection of European BMW's 6u7or lease 214 59-7612or wm maS 572-3894 Cancer barmen Ghla 7 1 5300fli mi dam-1000 negotiable 73-OOM aged Certified Equity Leasing' No Down Payment TO DUALlF I ED CUSTOME AW MW Maxim HONDA MERCEDE RCEDES 240D Alto Soeclsllrlng In Smell Fleets le All Oomestli ASING ft SALES let end Imoorts Cell for Ouole DATSUN Blf7S) tpeed air 6Kml radlalt $1300 $89- IM0 DATSUNBJlO'idoortwir elr good tires deluxe excellent cond euto Bittun B3IQ 76 radio elr tram $2250 46ft8766 Ar! DATSUN 140 1 71 $1400 or best otter 034-4565 Ctaisun 2tO-Z '7? pood built engine $20fO(5-2t5 A' speed 74r-7i Nice aift 7995 Frank 336-20lrf 76 Pinto Bxceilent cond" speed motor $1200 or best offer 244 1137 T97TYhunderblrd In" real good mechanical condition $1500 Call Larry 534-2157 lST-BIrd auto air power JTEXAS MOTORS 423 Maverick Grabber 4 cvl eu to as cash 8364974 AM air" it Speed excellent after 57j7-3ft5 ll9FO ITS A A 6 13495 Moritz Cadillac good 1 owner $1250 248 l600after4PM '80 lesta am-fm cassette stereo excellent cond $3000 52 2801 I ti toAj iMjfcAAn iAtoto 1 b-i.
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