Jailbirds Cast Today: Where Are They Now? Are They Still in Jail? (2025)

Jailbirds Cast Today: Where Are They Now? Are They Still in Jail? (1)


The new Netflix show Jailbirds is basically a real-life version of Orange Is the New Black. Given the popularity of the show, you might be wondering where the cast of Jailbirds are now, and whether they’re still in prison.

Some of the cast members have, in fact, been released from prison since the show was filmed. Others are still serving out their sentences, and two women have since been arrested for new sets of charges.

Here’s what you need to know:

Yasmin Sundermeyer: Where Is She Now?

Jailbirds Cast Today: Where Are They Now? Are They Still in Jail? (2)


At 19 years old, Yasmin Sundermeyer was a first-time offender at the beginning of season one. As Netflix notes, she was booked for a number of charges including car-jacking, assault with a deadly weapon, evading an officer, drugs, and alcohol. While on the show, Sundermeyer said she was driving “up to 130 [miles per hour]” while she was trying to outrun authorities.

According to Baller Alert, Sundermeyer has since been brought back into custody, for charges of escape from custody. She has a scheduled court date of May 31.

During the first episode ofJailbirds, Sundermeyer revealed that she has a child, and said, “I’m not a bad person…I want to be a veterinarian. Like…I want to be back to how I was before.” She added, “I just want to stop, I just want to be happy. I always do this to myself.”

Katrina Haslam: Where Is She Now?

Katrina Haslam, 24, was serving out a seven month sentence for driving on the wrong side of the road, causing a deadly accident, four counts of assault with a deadly weapon, and vandalism. Haslam appears to have been released since the show was filmed, as she wrote on her Instagram in October, “I’m finally free.”

Haslam’s sentence was six months in total. During her time serving out her sentence, she started a romantic relationship with Daniel “Dolla” Carter, through conversations shared through the toilet pipes, surprisingly enough. Carter was serving out a life sentence for attempted murder at the time of the show’s filming; it was his first jail stint.

Jailbirds Cast Today: Where Are They Now? Are They Still in Jail? (4)


Haslam and Carter also communicate via “kites,” letters sent through the toilet. Prison employees explained the “fishing process,” which is how jail inmates send objects to one another through the toilet by attaching them to ropes made of t-shirts.

Rebecca ‘Baby Girl’ Temme: Where Is She Now?

Jailbirds Cast Today: Where Are They Now? Are They Still in Jail? (5)


Rebecca Temme, 36, goes by “Baby Girl” on the show, and was serving out a life sentence for murder and robbery at the time of the show. During season one, Temme received approval to be released into the general prison population. She is still serving out her sentence.

While on the show, Temme revealed that both of her parents were 13 years old when she was born. Despite her harsh upbringing, Temme maintained that she held responsibility for her actions. She said, “No matter what you do in life, there’s a good or bad consequence. I chose to commit crimes, I chose to gang bang, I chose to live a life that’s different from your average citizen, so therefore I know the consequences. So there’s no point in me sitting here and crying about it every day.”

Tayler Coatney: Where Is She Now?

Jailbirds Cast Today: Where Are They Now? Are They Still in Jail? (6)


Tayler Coatney, 19, was convicted in 2017 for a home invasion/robbery gone wrong, in which three people were left dead. She was sentenced to seven years in prison, and is eligible for parole in 2022.

While on the show, Coatney said, “[Me and four others] went to a house [to get weed]…” Coatney was in the car as the house was robbed by the people she was with, she explained. “An older man and woman was running out of the house,” she continued, “and my male co-defendants ran out and one of them proceeded to open fire on the man in the driveway.”

That older man, along with two other family members, ended up being killed. Coatney said of the incident, “I wake up every day and have to think about that, and it’s hard…I have to constantly remind myself, if I can’t forgive myself, how can anyone else forgive me?”

Gaylon Shawn Beason: Where Is She Now?

Jailbirds Cast Today: Where Are They Now? Are They Still in Jail? (7)


When the first episode ofJailbirdsbegan, Gaylon Shawn Beason (who goes by Shawn) said she was looking forward to being released from prison in 90 days. Beason, 36, is a self-admitted “convicted armed robber” who said at one point, “being in jail can be…easy for me.”

According to court documents, Beason’s release was delayed by a few days, but she has since been released, and is still legally married to her wife.

Jailbirds Cast Today: Where Are They Now? Are They Still in Jail? (8)

Beason and her wife / Netflix

During the first episode, Beason received the unfortunate news of finding out her parole had been placed on hold. She said she was ready to go back to school and “to work for money, not to just take it.”

Beason also acknowledged how her prison time has negatively affected her marriage, causing a strain both financially and emotionally. As stated above, she’s still legally married to her wife, but it’s not clear if they’re still together now that she’s been released.

Najla ‘Noonie’ Jones: Where Is She Now?

Jailbirds Cast Today: Where Are They Now? Are They Still in Jail? (9)


Najla “Noonie” Jones, 27, is one of the cast members who is still serving out the same sentence she was serving out while the show was being filmed. She was in jail for pimping and pandering, she explained on the show, and had already been in jail for 13 months by the time of the filming of the show. She’s expected to stand before a judge on May 31.

While on the show, Noonie said, “Some people call me sweet, some people call me mean. I am who I am. I’m a nice *ss real b*tch.”

“Everyone dreams of being a lawyer or a doctor,” Noonie said at another point, “[But] I wanted to be a social worker, because I was in and out of the system.”

Megan ‘Monster’ Hawkins: Where Is She Now?

Jailbirds Cast Today: Where Are They Now? Are They Still in Jail? (10)


According to TMZ, Hawkins was arrested in Elk Grove County, California on May 17, after she was caught allegely trying to open a bank account using an ID with someone else’s name on it. When authorities finally found her, TMZ reports, she was allegedly found with a number of credit cards that didn’t belong to her.

She’s since been booked on five felonies, TMZ reports, and is being held in Sacramento County Jail, where she was filmed forJailbirdsto begin with.

Following her rearrest, Hawkins gave an interview to KCRA, maintaining her innocence and also talking about how her life has changed sinceJailbirdsaired. Hawkins said, “I have people stop me. They’re like, ‘Oh my God! Monster!’ Like literally everywhere I go. I’m not stupid. So if everywhere I go, people stop me and they want to take pictures and they want me to sign an autograph, come on now. Am I really going to go and do something stupid like they’re saying? I’m not that dumb.”

Jailbirds Cast Today: Where Are They Now? Are They Still in Jail? (2025)


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Due to the specific and sensitive information on one of the cases going on currently, Netflix was pulled from the jail and had to stop filming after four days. There will not be any follow up.

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Hawkins is unfortunately not the only "Jailbirds" personality who's been in headlines recently. As KOVR reports, Rebecca "Baby Girl" Temme was recently found guilty of a first-degree murder charge stemming from a shooting at a Sacramento-area motel in 2017.

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Although “Jailbirds” falls under the category of “reality” TV, and the production company bills itself as a leader in “non-fiction and unscripted content,” some of the scenes appear to have been orchestrated or edited to heighten the drama, according to a review of the series and interviews with inmates who were on the ...

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Daniel 'Dolla' Carter was one of the youngest male inmates introduced at the Sacramento County Jail.

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Gabriella & Jamal

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Yasmin Sundermeyer

Sundermeyer was also charged with escaping from custody. That charge was filed around five months after the series began. Where is she now? She is still in Sacramento County Main Jail.

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Following a jury trial, defendant Brianna Louise Tibayan was found guilty of carjacking. Additionally, the trial court found true allegations that she had been previously convicted of a serious felony and a prior serious or violent felony (a "strike"). The court imposed an aggregate term of 15 years in state prison.

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Crystal Anne Latapie affectionately known as "Kit" passed away on Monday, June 21, 2021 at the age of 37.

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True fly-on-the-wall insight makes Jailbirds stand out from other prison documentaries. These women are real inmates in a real prison and the lack of pretense gives an unvarnished look into a seldom-talked-about lifestyle.

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Courtney "Jay" Koranda as was an inmate on the show introduced in episode two, arrested for alleged evading and resisting arrest.

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Brianna Lopez, who would become known as “Baby Brianna,” was born Feb. 14, 2002. Her death five months later at the hands of her mother, father and uncle has been documented as one of the worse cases of child abuse in Doña Ana County. Her injuries included two skull fractures as well as broken ribs, legs and an arm.

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Jailbird is a casual and derogatory term for a convicted criminal, especially one who's been in and out of jail several times. Following a prison escape, a local newspaper's headline might read "Jailbird on the Loose!" Jailbird, coined in the 17th century, equates the image of a bird in a cage with a prisoner in jail.

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As for her ex-boo, Daniel “Dolla” Carter, 21, who was locked up for attempted murder and released at the end of the series, he also remained on the outside and has remained active on social media.

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.