What does Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) mean? - EEE Parts Database | doEEEt.com (2024)

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What does Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) mean? - EEE Parts Database | doEEEt.com (2)


  • Posted by doEEEt Media Group
  • On July 19, 2020
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Even after the manufacturer has his own internal quality controls, in every production batch could there be defective components, which never would have to be shipped to the customer, but unfortunately it happens sometimes. Therefore, the buyer needs to control the acceptance quality limit of procured components since he does not want to jeopardize their own manufactured product, which final quality is based, among others, on the quality of the different components being part of it. But…

  • It is not practical to inspect 100% of them (unless the quantity is very small), actually, a 100% check does not yield that much more information than inspecting a statistically representative sample.
  • How many products to check?
  • How to set the limit between acceptability and refusal in a way that can be agreed upon and measured?

This is what the AQL comes into play: to give an estimation of a bigger population, by inspecting only a smaller proportion of the particular population, however its confidence level is not 100%

The standard ISO 2859-1 defines AQL as the “quality level that is the worst tolerable” on average over a period covering a number of batches. For clarification purposes some others complementary definitions can be given:

  • AQL represents the maximum number of defective parts, beyond which a batch is rejected.
  • AQL means the poorest level of quality that is considered acceptable in a particular population or in a pre-defined sample size.
  • For example: “AQL is 0.65%” means “I want no more than 0.65% defective items in the whole order quantity, on average over several production runs with that supplier”.

Getting familiar with “AQL Tables”

The “AQL tables” are an industry standard statistical tools which help to determine two key elements:

  • How many samples should be picked and inspected, among a batch of product or parts?
  • Where is the limit between acceptability and refusal of the lot, when it comes to defective components?

Before using the AQL tables it is necessary to know and understand the following four concepts.

1. Lot size

If different components are ordered, each product has to be considered as a separate lot. So, the quantity of each product is the lot size. If just one product is ordered, the lot size is the total batch quantity.

2. Inspection sample/sample size

The number of units to inspect/check in a given lot size which represents a safe assumption about the population.

3. Inspection level

Different levels are proposed by MIL-STD 105 E (the widely used standard for quality control in the form of acceptance sampling) which has formally been replaced by various commercial standards (ISO 2859-1, ANSI/ASQ Z1.4, and so forth).

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Based on the features of the inspection, different inspection levels will command different numbers of samples to inspect. Seven inspection levels exist:

  • Sample sizes increase from level I to III (general inspection levels), and from S1 to S4 (special inspection levels)
  • Special inspection levels are selected usually in those cases, when the smaller sample sizes are reasonable due to destructive inspection, or if the small sample size properly represents the bigger population.

There are many aspects, that affect the selection of proper inspection level:

  • Category of inspection (destructive / non-destructive).
  • Complexity of inspected parts.
  • Risk of defect pass-through.
  • Variation of manufacturing process, that affects inspected characteristic.
  • Representativeness: relation of sample size and population.

4. AQL limits/Acceptance number

The number of defective units that will trigger a “fail” result. How many pieces are allowed to be defective from the sample, to reach the desired quality limit related to the whole population. The allowed defect ratio (in percent) is one of the most important aspects of AQL. It defines how many defects are allowed in the complete population (see top line of table B). It varies based on the criticality of the inspected characteristic and the product.

Even though in the market there are specialized quality inspection software which show all the numbers automatically, it is good to understand how to read the tables. There are basically two tables.

First table: sample size code letters

The code letter tells us the sample size and the maximum numbers of defects that can be accepted.

For example:

  • If the lot size is a reel of 2500 pcs, it will have to be considered the line ranged between 1201 pcs and 3200 pcs
  • If the required inspection level is ‘II’, the column labeled with “II” will be taken into account
  • Crossing both column and line, consequently, the code letter is “K”.

What does Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) mean? - EEE Parts Database | doEEEt.com (3)

Second table: single sampling plans for normal inspection

As our sample size code letter is “K”:

  • If we go down through the first column “sample size code letter” we can find the letter “K” which tell us, reading in the same line and next columns to the right, that we have to collect 125 pcs randomly from the total lot size.
  • If we assume a 0.65% AQL we´ll have to find the column labeled with such a value
  • Crossing both column and line, two numeric values are found in the same place:

LEFT ONE: maximum number of defects allowed to accept the lot (2 in our example)

RIGHT ONE: minimum number of defects required to reject the lot (3 in our example)

What does Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) mean? - EEE Parts Database | doEEEt.com (4)

As an example of AQL concept application it can be noted that in paragraphs 4.3.7 and 5.3.7 of ECSS-Q-ST-60C for Class 1 and Class 2 components, respectively, it is mentioned that for the non-space qualified parts, when the final customer source inspection has not been performed, the following additional items are applicable to the Incoming Inspection:

(a) External visual inspection by sampling (AQL 0,65% level II or 20 parts min)

(b) Electrical measurements at room temperature on 20 parts or 100% (if lot size < 20 parts), or a datapack review.

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What does Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) mean? - EEE Parts Database | doEEEt.com (2024)


What does Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) mean? - EEE Parts Database | doEEEt.com? ›


The acceptable quality limit (AQL) is the worst tolerable process average (mean) in percentage or ratio that is still considered acceptable; that is, it is at an acceptable quality level. Closely related terms are the rejectable quality limit and rejectable quality level (RQL).
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Acceptable_quality_limit
means the poorest level of quality that is considered acceptable in a particular population or in a pre-defined sample size. For example: “AQL is 0.65%” means “I want no more than 0.65% defective items in the whole order quantity, on average over several production runs with that supplier”.

What is AQL acceptance limit? ›

Under normal inspection, AQL levels range from 0.065 to 6.5. The larger the AQL level, the more lenient the inspection. For general consumer products inspection, AQL level is usually set at 2.5, which implies a zero tolerance for critical defect, 2.5 for major defects, and 4 for minor defects.

What does AQL mean in quality? ›

AQL (Acceptable Quality Limit) Sampling is a method widely used to define a production order sample to determine if the entire product order has met the client's specifications. Based on the sampling data, AQL standard can help the customer can make an informed decision to accept or reject the lot.

What does AQL describe? ›

Acceptable Quality Level or AQL is a statistical tool that is used to inspect a sample size for a give product in a lot and set the maximum number of acceptable defects. Alternatively, it is described as the worst tolerable process average when a series of lots samples are submitted for quality acceptance checks.

How to choose the correct AQL level? ›

As a manufacturer, you just have to understand your products, the market you want to sell them, and the end consumer of your products. The decision of defect tolerance lies with you. If you decide that the defect tolerance for the whole batch of your products should not be beyond 1.5%, then that is your AQL.

What is the AQL limit setting? ›

An AQL of 2.5% is often used for major defects. Minor Defects: These are minor defects and errors that have low to no influence on product safety and usability. Many companies and importers will set a standard of a 4% AQL for this category of defects.

What does an AQL of 0.65 mean? ›

AQL means the poorest level of quality that is considered acceptable in a particular population or in a pre-defined sample size. For example: “AQL is 0.65%” means “I want no more than 0.65% defective items in the whole order quantity, on average over several production runs with that supplier”.

What is an example of AQL level? ›

If you and your supplier settle on AQL of 1%, the number of defects in the batch from the supplier should not exceed 1%. So, only 10 products can be defective in a batch composed of 1000 products. The importer rejects the entire batch if the number of defective products is 11 or more.

What does an AQL of 2.5 mean? ›

AQL 2.5 means the acceptable level of major defective goods is 2.5% of the total order quantity. If the batch produced contains a defect level that exceeds 2.5% defects, then the quality of the product is not living up to the agreement.

What is the AQL formula? ›

The acceptable quality level (AQL) is a measure applied to products and defined in ISO 2859-1 as the “quality level that is the worst tolerable.” The AQL tells you how many defective components are considered acceptable during random sampling quality inspections.

Is a higher or lower AQL better? ›

AQL measures quality by determining the highest number of defects accepted in a random selection of a glove product batch. The lower the AQL, the better the quality and less likelihood of defects.

What is the probability of acceptance of AQL? ›

Acceptable quality level (AQL): AQL is typically considered to be the worst quality level that is still considered satisfactory. It is the maximum percent defective that can be considered satisfactory. The probability of accepting an AQL lot should be high. A probability of 0.95 translates to a risk of 0.05.

What is the reject level of AQL? ›

If you are ordering consumer products, you will use 0.0 for critical defects, 2.5 for major defects, and 4.0 for minor defects as the AQL standards. For AQL 2.5 in the chart, 7 major defects are acceptable, and 8 or more major defects are rejectable.

What is the meaning of acceptable limits? ›

Desirable or acceptable limits means the amount of specific element upto which that particular salt or element can be present in water. Water having that particluar element beyond that level is not good for drinking. This limit needs to be implemented.

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